Official Caffe Nero notices in honour of the Late H.M. QUEEN ELIZABETH II funeral

Please scroll down for more photos


Notice displayed on the Caffe Nero website

Notice displayed in the windows of some Caffe Nero stores for the 1 minute silence at 8pm on Sunday 18th September 2022

Notices displayed in the windows of some Caffe Nero stores on Monday 19th September 2022

Notice displayed in the windows of some Caffe Nero stores for the 2 minute silence at 11.55am on Monday 19th September 2022

My thanks to Dale, Eszter and Nuno for their help in my quest for photos of these posters.

Caffe Nero at Cornbury Music Festival - Alan's Nero Tour contents page - Caffe Nero You Tube videos

Caffe Nero stores visited in ABC order A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

 Website and photographs by Alan Edwards