Caffe Nero Store number 257 East Grinstead visited on 5/8/2015 plus many more times!

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 Caffe Nero 257 East Grinstead

Caffe Nero 257 East Grinstead

Another photo for the album, Bus album or Caffe Nero album?. 17/4/2011

Stalls selling bus, coach models and books. 30/4/2017

Jersey double decker new in 1931, London Transport green bus new in 1953

Caffe Nero 257 East Grinstead

Two feedback cards for my collection, signed by the one and only Eszter and Detti !

Caffe Nero Store No. 250 Wandsworth Bridge Road - Contents Page - Caffe Nero Store No. 258 Crystal Palace

  Website and photographs by Alan Edwards